Committee Meeting

AGM 2021

28th September 2021 7:30PM Queens Arms

1) Apologies

Chris Ibbs, Alan Brannan

2) Present

Jason Carnwell, Claire Childs, Tim Cliffe, Stuart Neary, Lynne Pulley, Lesley Shaw, Vanessa Shaw, Dave Shaw, Nick Roberts, Wayne Durose, Lorna Lindsey, Leanne Carr, Sue Stephens, Sarah Ibbs, Dania Rativa.

3) Chairman’s Welcome

Tim Cliffe declared the meeting open at 7.30pm and welcomed everyone present.

4) Chairman’s Report

Santa’s sleigh went well, agreed to re-run it this year on the same basis as last year, without asking for support from other local groups.

5) Financial Report

Treasurer to submit to Committee, no major changes to finances apart from income from Santa’s sleigh.

6) Constitution

There were no amendments made to the constitution which was agreed in 2019.

7) Election of Officers

The current Board of Officers stood down.

  • Chairperson: Nonminated, seconded, agreed – Tim Cliffe
  • Vice-Chair: Nominated, seconded, agreed – Jason Carnwell
  • Treasurer: Nominated, seconded, agreed – Claire Childs
  • Secretary: Nominated (joint role), seconded, agreed – Lynne Pulley / Lorna Lindsey

8) Any Other Business

There was a general discussion regarding the feasibility of holding the carnival in 2022, it was agreed that this was viable and the dates were confirmed as 1st, 2nd, 3rd July 2022.

Meeting closed at 20:00 hours but was followed by general meeting of the Committee.
